Thursday, July 22, 2010

What we made with shells@the Wells Branch Library

We used one of my favorite crafts books last night Look what I did with a shell. The room was full, we ran out of tickets but those who got in really got into it. We had a large box of shells from the discount stores and donations to pick from and create butterflies, unicorns, and lots of other critters that I am not sure exist. A few of the kids branched out creating necklaces, bracelets, and what looked to me like an entire undersea village. I had a supply of short wood straws that we put to use as legs and stabilizers of one type or another. We incorporated bottle caps as bases so the shells that open up don't fall over.

The Family Arts & Crafts group meets at the Wells Branch Community Library every Wednesday night at 6 pm taught by Dianne Koehler. The program lets us turn donations and imagination into great projects.

you may also want to take a look at the new Art & crafts database the library recently subscribed to for the patrons. check  the website for details.

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