Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Making a mosaic tile @ WBCL

This is one of the best mosaic projects I have had the kids do. It involved making a design on the back of a tile using tile adhesive then filling the surrounding space with pebbles to make the design stand out. The kids quickly figured out what tiles would make their design and then picked out the stones that would make it look best. Lots of parents with fingers in this one too. Even the youngest kids got a good tile done.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stars & stripes or Patriotic fun mini-camp @ WB Annex

Finally a week where the 4th doesn't fall in the middle of the week so we grabbed it and did a camp. We started the week with a drawing session of a flagged street scene in the Picturing America series by Childe Hassam, an impressionist. The main feature of the week was construction of the 3 small floats from start to finish - one of Uncle Sam and one of Lady Liberty. Along the way we made flags, confetti eggs, tp poppers and long wands with stars. We capped the week off marching in the parade in Wells Branch.

Batman collages @ WBCL

In honor of the 75th anniversary of Batman comics we did a project that mimicked a theatre marque poster. The kids covered the paper with strips of comics then cut out a batman mask and mounted it over a spotlight strip complete with bubble and bat. Some of the kids were quite meticulous in selecting background pictures and cut around each frame to choose exactly what went on the background.

Draw a tiger @ WBCL

we again used the grid drawing method and the tigers were fantastic. the kids then colored them with pencils.

Monday, July 14, 2014

ART ENRICHMENT MINI-CAMPS AT THE ANNEX have a few spaces remaining this summer


Junior artists (age 7 1/2-12)  12-3:30 pm T/W/Th  Learn a bit of history and do the projects in depth. Each camp is $40. Registration is at the MUD rec center. More information on MUD website or:  40% of fee is dedicated to programs in WB. Limit 26 

7/22-24 Make it by hand--Mosaics, weaving, sewing/quilting, &  paper mache-
We will be making a Princess mononoke mask from paper mache and trim it out, do several weaving projects including a dream catcher, paint and embellish gourds, and create a couple of awesome bags with critters on them, Potter-ish items and more. 

7/29-7/31 Food Art from color to style (9 am-12:30) Not for kids with allergies  We'll create artist designs from food items. We will reverse collage  the plates, make bird sandwiches, decorated mini-cakes, make sherbet in a bag. We will make fruit pizzas and have a watermelon decorating contest. we may eat our creations for lunch.  

8/5-7 Sharks and creatures of the deep Painting and drawing III --We will celebrate  the deep blue sea painting and drawing sharks, whales, jellyfish, reefs, and sailing ships. We will learn about the old time divers and do something with the Jules Verne theme,

Beginning Artist Sessions (age 4 1/2-7 going into Kinder/ 1st grade) 9-11:30am T/W/Th  Limit 16 We will read books/ tell stories and use them as the basis for our projects. We'll learn a bit about how art happens and what the kids like to do as they  complete the projects. 

8/5-7 Sharks and creatures of the deep--we'll explore the deep creating a 3D aquarium, octopus, shark and lots more. we'll learn about coral & make some of our own.