Saturday, May 26, 2012

Watercolor paintings of flags for Memorial Day

 I used one of the prints from the Picturing America collection (Childe Hassam's Allies Day May 17, 1917) as a starting point then had the participants draw part of the picture. Once they had their drawing done they colored it with washable markers and then sprayed the picture with misters to see how the colors would spread and blend. Lots of Oh, Wow and smiles on this one.
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cute clay bugs @ WBCL

 What can be more fun than clay and fuzzy chenille stems to craft a spectacular bug? We started with salt and flour clay in a  dark green brown. We handed out the stems for legs, wings, and antenna and let the creations take on a life of their own.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Paper flowers and frames for Cinco de Mayo

 we decided to do a little different project for Cinco de Mayo this year. we took paper board frames and decorated them with confetti then made a picture to fit in the frame of paper roses.
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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bottle cap art @WBCL

What to do with all those bottle caps that are not recyclable and too nice to throw into the trash? I found a great book and quite a few websites on making art projects from them so we did. We used styrofoam blocks from one of the neighbors as a base and glued on caps into any design the kids and thier parents could come up with. It was fun and everyone was able to figure out a great design.
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